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#41 which one is type of optical storage?

A)   hard disk
B)   Blue-Ray Disk
C)   floppy disk
D)   Zip disk
Answer:   B

#42 which of the following is a sequential access storage device?

A)   magnetic disk
B)   Blue-Ray Disk
C)   magnetic tape
D)   Zip disk
Answer:   C

#43 Which of the following performs the arithmetic and logic operation on data ?

A)   ALU
B)   Control unit
C)   Output unit
D)   Register
Answer:   A

#44 Which coordinates and control the computer system, just like the brain controls the human body.

A)   Bus
B)   Control unit
C)   Output unit
D)   Register
Answer:   B

#45 The architect of Faisal Mosque was: ___________?

A)   Kenzo Tange
B)   Vedat Dalokay
C)   Nasreddin Murat Khan
D)   Diotisalvi
Answer:   B

#46 When Iran officially became an Islamic Republic on ___________?

A)   March 01, 1979
B)   April 01, 1979
C)   February 01, 1979
D)   None of these
Answer:   B

#47 27th March celebrated as Wolrd ________ Day?

A)   Forest Day
B)   Library Day
C)   Theatre(Entertainment) Day
D)   Water Day
Answer:   C

#48 Which animal can create the loudest sound among any living creature?

A)   Donkey
B)   Monkey
C)   Humpback whales
D)   Dog
Answer:   C

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