The antonyms questions test your vocabulary, especially your ability to understand the meaning of words and distinguish between subtle differences in their meanings.
This question type requires a strong college-level vocabulary. A strong vocabulary cannot be developed instantly; it grows over time through consistent learning.
Since vocabulary is the lifeblood of antonyms questions, we have compiled a collection of important words frequently used in antonym MCQs.
SR | Word | Meaning | Urdu Meaning |
1. | Acquaintance | Knowledge or experience of something | واقعیت تجربه |
2. | Anonymous | Not identified by name; of unknown name | کم نام۔ غیر معروف |
3. | Arrhythmic | Relating to or suffering from cardiac arrhythmia | ار کھمبیا سے متعلق |
4. | Barren | Showing no results or achievements unproductive. | بنجر |
5. | Bawdy | Humorously indecent talk or writing | مسخرے پن سے |
6. | Bombastic | High-sounding but with little meaning inflated. | بڑا بول خالی وعدے |
7. | Bough | A main branch of a tree | بڑی شاخ شہنا |
8. | Censored | Officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it | احتساب شده |
9. | Chaotic | In a state of complete confusion and disorder | درہم برہم۔ گڈ مڈ |
10. | Compassionate | Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others | رحمدل |
11. | Conventional | Based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed | روایتی |
12. | Deceitful | Misleading or dishonest | فریب دینے والا |
13. | Desolate | Deserted of people and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness | ویران |
14. | Discreet | Careful and circumspect in one's speech or actions | محتاط |
15. | Elusive | Difficult to find, catch, or achieve | پہچاننے میں مشکل |
19. | Hectic | Full of incessant or frantic activity | زور و شور سے کام میں |
20. | Immersive | (Of a computer display or system) generating a three-dimensional image which appears to surround the user | معروف |
21. | Inane | Lacking sense or meaning silly | نیک |
22. | Nervous | Easily agitated or alarmed | احمقانه |
23. | Overbearing | Unpleasantly overpowering | جلد بھرانے والا |
24. | Pack | A group of similar things | اپنی مرضی کے تابع کرنے والا |
25. | Pathological | Involving or caused by a physical or mental disease. | بنڈل |
26. | Profound | (Of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense | مرضیاتی |
27. | Redundant | Not or no longer needed or useful superfluous | اگر |
28. | Reliable | Consistently good in quality or performance able to be trusted. | قابل اعتماد |
29. | Resonating | Produce or be filled with a deep, full, reverberating sound | آواز نکالنا |
30. | Scratch | Cancel or strike out (writing) with a pen or pencil | خراش |
31 | Selective | Most suitable or best qualified | انتخاب کے قابل |
32 | Separate | Divide into constituent or distinct elements | الگ جدا |
33 | Silt | Fine sand, clay, or other material carried by running water and deposited as sediment, especially in a channel or harbour | گاد |
34 | Subterranean | Existing, occurring, or done under the earth's surface | زیر زمین |
35 | Suspended | Temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect | عارضی طور پر روک دینا |
36 | Synchronized | Cause to occur or operate at the same time or rate | ہم وقت |