/* Chapter No3 Exercise Q6. Write a C++ Program to get six subjects marks of a student and then calculate total marks, average and percentage and display them on screen. */ #include #include main() { clrscr(); float eng, urdu, phy, comp,math, isl; float totalMarks,average,percentage; cout<<"\nEnter the marks of English "; cin>>eng; cout<<"\nEnter the marks of Urdu "; cin>>urdu; cout<<"\nEnter the marks of Physics "; cin>>phy; cout<<"\nEnter the marks of Computer Science "; cin>>comp; cout<<"\nEnter the marks of Math "; cin>>math; cout<<"\nEnter the marks of Islamiat "; cin>>isl; totalMarks = eng+urdu+phy+comp+math+isl; average = totalMarks/6; percentage = (totalMarks /600) * 100; cout<<"\n\nTotal Marks = "<