General Science
Into how many small tubes is the trachea divided?
A) One
B) Two (Bronchial Tube)
C) Three
D) Four
Each Bronchial tube is joined with?
A) Stomach
B) Lungs
C) Heart
D) Brain
Asthma is a disorder of?
A) Heart
B) Lungs
C) Brain
D) Stomach
Which is the pumping station of the body?
A) Brain
B) Liver
C) Heart
D) Lungs
The average human heart beats about how many times in a minute?
A) 60
B) 72
C) 80
D) 100
How many bones are there in the human body?
A) 200
B) 202
C) 206
D) 210
Places where two bones meet are called?
A) Muscles
B) Ligaments
C) Joints
D) Cartilage
The outer layer of the body is called?
A) Skin
B) Muscles
C) Bones
D) Tissues
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