Category: Computer mcqs

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#105 The GPS system consists of ___________ satellites.

A)   20
B)   22
C)   24
D)   25
Answer:   C

#106 GPS __________ segment facilities that track the GPS satellites monitor their transmissions perform analysis and send commands and data to the constellation.

A)   User
B)   Control
C)   space
D)   Air
Answer:   B

#107 Which of the following orbit is at the distance of 22000 miles from the surface of the earth?

A)   Geostationary Earth Orbit
B)   Low Earth Orbit
C)   Medium Earth Orbit
D)   High Earth Orbit
Answer:   A

#108 __________ is the first markup language standard for wireless devices.

B)   WAP
D)   WML
Answer:   D

#109 Hierarchical DBMS organize data elements into _____________.

A)   Segments
B)   Data Compartments
C)   Data Units
D)   Objects
Answer:   A

#110 Is a database model in which information is represented in the form of objects.

A)   Network Database model
B)   Relational Database Model
C)   Object-oriented Database model
D)   Hierarchical Database model
Answer:   C

#111 Who is the person who has central control over data and programs in a database system?

A)   DBA
B)   Designer
C)   System Analyst
D)   Programmer
Answer:   A

#112 In a relational terminology, an attribute is also called ___________.

A)   Record
B)   Entity
C)   Field
D)   Table
Answer:   C

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