Category: Computer mcqs

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#41 There are _________ numbers of loop in C++ language

A)   1
B)   2
C)   3
D)   4
Answer:   C

#42 Which of the following device is considered to be the first computer ?

A)   Difference Engine
C)   Tabulating Machine
D)   Mark 1
Answer:   B

#43 which of the following is the process of strong the data information and instructions ?

A)   input operation
B)   processing operation
C)   output operation
D)   storage operation
Answer:   D

#44 ________ computers are the second powerful and expensive computers than supercomputers.

A)   microcomputers
B)   mini computers
C)   mainframe computers
D)   laptops
Answer:   C

#45 __________is not a portable computer system ?

A)   laptop
B)   PDA
C)   notebook
D)   mainframe
Answer:   D

#46 which software is used to analyze configure, optimize and maintain the computer ?

A)   operation system
B)   device driver
C)   utility software
D)   language processor
Answer:   A

#47 ________ translates high level language program line-by-line

A)   Interpreter
B)   compiler
C)   assembler
D)   processor
Answer:   A

#48 ____________ is a term often used for the fixed small programs that control various electronic devices.

A)   open source
B)   fireware
C)   shareware
D)   freeware
Answer:   B

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