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#111 which software is used to analyze configure, optimize and maintain the computer ?

A)   operation system
B)   device driver
C)   utility software
D)   language processor
Answer:   A

#112 ________ translates high level language program line-by-line

A)   Interpreter
B)   compiler
C)   assembler
D)   processor
Answer:   A

#113 ____________ is a term often used for the fixed small programs that control various electronic devices.

A)   open source
B)   fireware
C)   shareware
D)   freeware
Answer:   B

#114 ____________ printer creates an image by pressing an inked ribbon against the paper.

A)   laser jet
B)   plotter
C)   laser
D)   dot-matrix
Answer:   D

#115 ________ memory holds data and programs not currently in use and provides long-term storage.

A)   primary
B)   secondary
C)   main
D)   internal
Answer:   B

#116 ____________ is the smallest amount of memory a computer can holds ?

A)   bytes
B)   KB
C)   Bit
D)   MB
Answer:   C

#117 ________is the smallest amount of memory a computer can holds?

A)   Bytes
B)   KB
C)   Bit
D)   MB
Answer:   C

#118 which of the following is the fastest memory ?

A)   RAM
B)   ROM
C)   Cache memory
Answer:   C

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