Category: Intelligence Quotient mcqs

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#19 Which number is out of list?

A)   8
B)   4
C)   7
D)   12
Answer:   C

#20 Bird is to Cage as Prisoner is to ______?

A)   Pigeon
B)   Lockup
C)   Cell
D)   Lock
Answer:   C

#21 Which word does not belong to the list?

A)   Handful
B)   Beautiful
C)   Careful
D)   Cheerful
Answer:   A

#22 Which word is out of list?

A)   Liquid
B)   Oil
C)   Water
D)   Petrol
Answer:   A

#23 Which word is out of list?

A)   String
B)   Guitar
C)   Piano
D)   Banjo
Answer:   A

#24 What will come next in the following series: BY CX DW EV FU ___

A)   GT
B)   TG
C)   GO
D)   TS
Answer:   A

#25 A is father of B but is not A’s son, what is relationship of B to A?

A)   Uncle
B)   Cousin
C)   Father
D)   Daughter
Answer:   D

#26 Essence is to Flower as ______ is to Oven?

A)   Heat
B)   Vapor
C)   Steam
D)   Ice
Answer:   A

#27 My mother is sister of your brother. What relation am I to you?

A)   Cousin
B)   Uncle
C)   Nephew
D)   Brother
Answer:   C

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