Subject: History mcqs

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#1 Pakistan has officially been removed from the FATF ‘grey list’ on:

A)   21st August 2021
B)   21st September 2021
C)   21st August 2022
D)   21st October 2022
Answer:   D

#2 Ceylon was re-named as Sri Lanka on

A)   22 May 1971
B)   22 May 1974
C)   22 May 1972
D)   22 May 1973
Answer:   C

#3 Fatima Jinnah Date of Birth Year ___________

A)   1889
B)   1893
C)   1897
D)   1892
Answer:   B

#4 Fatima Jinnah was ___________ by profession.

A)   Teacher
B)   Nurse
C)   Dentist
D)   Advocate
Answer:   C

#5 When was NATO formed?

A)   1943
B)   1953
C)   1949
D)   1950
Answer:   C

#6 What is the Islamic date of Pakistan independence day?

A)   27th Ramadan
B)   13th Ramadan
C)   14tg Moharam
D)   20th Zil Haja
Answer:   A

#7 who write first computer programme

A)   marie curie
B)   ada lovelace
C)   galileo galilei
D)   Charles Babbage
Answer:   B

#8 who is the father of computer

A)   marie curie
B)   albert einstein
C)   galileo galilei
D)   Charles Babbage
Answer:   D

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