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Some Calculation Programs

In this tutorial we will write many some programs in which we will able to learn how to use variable in our program Programs that we will write are:

  • Write a program that will get two values from user and than our program should be able to calculate and print sum, product, division and subtraction of these two numbers.
  • Write a program that will calcuate Speed, v using equation v = s/t

Write a program that will get two values from user and than our program should be able to calculate and print sum, product, division and subtraction of these two numbers

You can download file of the above program from here. download first program

first write basic turbo c++ program i.e.

We will suppose two numbres as integer there for we will write
int a,b;
rest of the program is demonstrated in the video below.

Program _ 2

You can download file of the second program from here. download second program

Write a program that will calcuate Speed, v using equation v = s/t

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