Level: General mcqs

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#191 Essence is to Flower as ______ is to Oven?

A)   Heat
B)   Vapor
C)   Steam
D)   Ice
Answer:   A

#192 My mother is sister of your brother. What relation am I to you?

A)   Cousin
B)   Uncle
C)   Nephew
D)   Brother
Answer:   C

#193 Which one is out of list?

A)   Mare
B)   Fox
C)   Lass
D)   Hen
Answer:   C

#194 ___________ is the data or information that is to be communed over the network.

A)   Message
B)   Sender
C)   medium
D)   Receiver
Answer:   A

#195 Who is the person who has central control over data and programs in a database system?

A)   DBA
B)   Designer
C)   System Analyst
D)   Programmer
Answer:   A

#196 What will come next? 16 12 28 8 4 ____

A)   12
B)   4
C)   2
D)   40
Answer:   A

#197 ____________ is the smallest amount of memory a computer can holds ?

A)   bytes
B)   KB
C)   Bit
D)   MB
Answer:   C

#198 Which statement is true for the word FLOWER?

A)   R comes after W
B)   L comes before O
C)   E comes after W
D)   None of these
Answer:   B

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